Town Council Meeting October 19, 2020

Town Council Meeting October 19, 2020

The Town of Florence will hold its regular meeting on Monday October 19, 2020 at 6:00 pm.
Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, the meeting will be held electronically. 
To attend the meeting by technological means, members of the public may:

  1. Watch Live: 

        YouTube Live  
        Locally on Cox TV Channel 11

  1. Join virtually using the link below:

       Join via ZOOM

        3. To call in and listen, please dial:

        Telephone: (346) 248 7799 or (669) 900 6833

        Webinar ID: 824 2187 2868

        Passcode: 022507

An agenda may be found on the Town’s website at or by clicking on the link.

October 19 ,2020 Agenda

If you have any questions, please contact Benjamin Bitter, Intergovernmental and Communications Manager, by emailing
Thank you.