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Carolyn O’Bagy Davis, author of the 2011 OneBookAZ title “Hopi Summer,” returns to the Florence Community Library!  Davis is at the library on Tuesday, April 16, at 5:30 pm, for a discussion about Goldie Tracy Richmond, trader, trapper, and quiltmaker. 

Goldie Tracy Richmond came to southwestern Arizona in 1927, at age 21.  She and her husband lived in a flimsy mining shack near San Simon on what later became the Tohono O’odham Indian Reservation. To make a living, she ran traplines, mined for gold, and opened Tracy’s Trading Post in 1932. In her later years, she made magnificent quilts with appliqué fabric images of the local landscape: Ventana and Baboquivari Peaks, prickly pear, and ocotillo. In this unique presentation, audiences will discover the life and times of this remarkable woman. 

Author Carolyn O’Bagy Davis will present and be available to answer audience questions.  Copies of her books will be available to purchase, courtesy of the Friends of the Florence Community Library.  This program was made possible by the Arizona Humanities Council.  To sign up, or for more information, please contact the library at (520) 868-8311.  Seating is limited, so advance sign-up is strongly recommended!