Historic Preservation Programs and Guidance

Different types of local historic designations require or encourage preservation of Florence’s historic assets. Design review processes ensure that alterations to historic buildings and infill development are compatible with the characters of historic neighborhoods and downtown. The documents below provide programs and guidance for the alteration and rehabilitation of historic structures in addition to new builds within the historic district.

Design Review Guidelines

guidlinest103x96Historic Preservation Design Guidelines were created to serve as a resource for property owners, developers, architects and real estate professionals to use in order to understand the reasons for, the proper methods of and the overall benefits of historic preservation and those wishing to pursue  a building permit within the Florence historic district.

Standards for Rehabilitation

stdforrehabilitations109x90National Park Service created these ten basic principles in 1977 to guide property owners in persevering the historic integrity of a building as defined by the Secretary of Interior.  Standards for Rehabilitation, amended in 1990, recognize the need for adapting historic structures to modern times.

Rehabilitation Brochure

rehabilitationbrochure103x90The rehabilitation brochure  was developed to provide direction to  property owners, developers, architects and real estate professionals within the Florence Historic District, furthermore, the brochure explains the inner workings in regards to rehabilitation work requirements  prior to pulling a building permit.

Arizona Historic Preservation Referral Guide

shpocontractor103x90This guide has a variety of sources based on previous historic preservation work and experience.  This list was  provided as a referral guide and by no means a complete list and should not be considered as an endorsement from the Town of Florence.

Adaptive Reuse Program

Clarke-House-flip109x90The Adaptive Reuse Program was established in order to respond to the issues and challenges related to development and redevelopment within the historic  core area of Florence.

Infill Incentive

Parade-downtown105x90Infill Incentive District Plan was designed to further the goal of redevelopment and encourage both infill residential and new commercial opportunities within the historic town core of Florence.

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